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Need to know for yellow stripe
Need to know for yellow belt
Need to know for yellow/orange belt
Need to know for orange belt
Need to know for orange/green belt
Need to know this for green belt
Need to know this for blue/green belt (juniors) or green belt with one brown tip (adults)
Need to know this for blue belt for juniors and for advanced green belt (two brown tips) for adults.
Need to know this plus Naihanchi Nidan for blue/brown belt for juniors and first level brown belt for adults.
Need to know this plus Pinan Godan for blue/brown belt for juniors and first level brown for adults.
Need to know this plus Wankan for brown belt for juniors and intermediate brown (with one black tip) for adults.
Need to know this plus Naihanchi Sandan for brown belt for juniors and intermediate brown (with one black tip) for adults.
Need to know this plus Wonshu for brown-black for juniors and senior brown (with two black tips) for adults.
Need to know this plus Rohai for brown-black (juniors) and senior brown (with two black tips) for adults.
Need to know this for black belt
Need to know this for Nidan
Need to know this for Sandan
Need to know this for Yondan. This is the highest kata in Shorin Ryu.